Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Han Dynasty essays

The Han Dynasty essays The Han Dynasty was a one of the most influential Chinese civilizations. This dynasty was from 202 B.C.E. 220 C.E. It began when Liu Bang took over rule from the Qin Dynasty. Another important leader of the Han was Wu Ti. The Han had some of the same laws and regulations as the Qin, but they gradually incorporated Confucian ideals into their Legalist form of government to make them less burdensome. The Hans realized that the Qins extreme Legalistic ideology had not worked and that a bureaucracy was needed for governing the empire. By the end of the Han dynasty, China had about 130,000 bureaucrats, representing 0.2 percent of the population. This brought on a revival of the intellectual life that was suppressed. Government officials were chosen through civil service exams based on Confucianism. These exams covered classics of Chinese literature as well as law. If you passed the test, you could become a government official; if you failed the test you could not be a government official. Schools were established to train the citizens for the examinations. Citizens were also now promoted by merit. This Chinese bureaucracy lasted from the Han period until the twentieth century. This Confucian wa y of ruling Buddhism came from India and became an important religion, however Confucianism became the most used philosophy/religion. Shrines were established to promote worship the ancient philosopher as a god. Under Confucianism, people have respect for others but recognize that others below them are important to life as well. The ruler should also rule by example to keep his people following the laws and doing right. As stated before, Confucian ideals were also a major part of the Hans political ideals. Art of the past served only as a religious purpose. During the Han however, it was replaced by realistic art that portrayed ordinary life. The importance of education became more important as well. ...

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